This was my first StyleCon experience, and I would TOTALLY do it again!
(By the way, the outfit I'm sharing in this post is what I wore for StyleCon) It was so amazing to be in a room with so many women with common goals and dreams. I left feeling encouraged, and more motivated than ever! The women that I heard speak were so uplifting. I really think this is a message that you guys may enjoy, because I know that it really stuck with me. I'm paraphrasing here, but this is basically what was delivered... It's easy to look at your following, your likes, your outfits, and compare them to other influencers. There will ALWAYS be bloggers with a larger following, or that wear more expensive clothes, or that seem to have it all together, but you DO have a following, and they matter! Whether you have 100 followers, or 100 million followers, you still have people that are looking to you! Staying true to yourself is what will draw more followers, so don't try to compare yourself, or be like someone else. Be confident in your style and who you are. We all have to be at 100 followers before we can reach 100 million :) I know I struggle from time to time because building your following isn't an easy or quick process. It can get SO frustrating! I've caught myself having thoughts about giving up on my blog, or thinking that no one cares what I'm posting and that I may just be wasting my time. Has anyone else ever had those thoughts?! I absolutely love blogging, I love fashion/beauty, and I love all of you! So I have to remind myself of WHY I'm doing this. It's not to have the most followers, or the most likes. It's to live out my passion, and to be an influence to someone. If I can encourage one person, or make one person's day a little brighter, than it's all worth it. So remember WHY you are doing what you're doing. Remind yourself that you ARE making progress, and that you are influencing. IT's easy to forget sometimes! So that's my pep talk for the day! I hope you all are encouraged to pursue what you love, and to not give up. You ARE making a difference! ***I'm talking more about StyleCon below!***
Now I'm going to share the fun stuff from StyleCon :)
There were SO many amazing brands there, y'all! From apparel to lipsticks to popsicles, lol, they had it all! There was a station for free manicures (which my mom and I totally took advantage of), massages, hair styling, etc! It was a total girl's world, so obvi I loved it, haha! Oh and how cute is my mom in the pictures below?! lol She is always so sweet to come to these events with me! Well she is my BFF, so who else would I bring, haha! Here are some brands that I discovered at StyleCon, and really liked! Click on the links below to check them out for yourself! Live Love Gameday FitJoy Lowe Co
ANYWAYSSSS, StyleCon was so great, and if you have the chance to attend next year, or in Orange County, you totally should! OH and I almost forgot... I got to meet Catherine Lowe (she won Sean's season of the Bachelor)! Y'all probably know by now that I am a Bachelor/Bachelorette FANATIC, lol! So this was so insanely exciting!
Have a wonderful Tuesday you guys!
1 Comment
Katie Fitch
9/28/2017 09:40:27 am
Love that vintage look. The blouse is a must have. Thank you Kayley for your lovely presentation. Does the blouse come in Large ?
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